Another Sunday cyclocross race and another birthday 🥳.
Today marked the “one race over the half-way point” in the Cyclocross Nord race series. The cyclocross course around the Kolonistenhof in Neu Duvenstedt is one that fills the legs up with lactate and keeps you on your toes with a single-track technical section on the backside of the course and rolling soft grass on the frontside.
From the start I didn’t feel I had the legs and was lagging behind people I typically am in front of. After falling back a few places and settling in on the first lap I was able to get back into a pace that had me take home an 8th place.
On the last lap, with a long gap in front of me and another behind me, I took it easy and rolled a little bit with Janine and finished up with Katrin.
Afterwards, we stayed and watched a few more races and celebrated Lea Luise’s birthday 🥳 with cake from her mom and an apple one from Janine.
Neu Duvenstedt - Stevens Cyclocross Cup #6
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#06 Neu Duvenstedt | SG Athletico Büdelsdorf |
8th of 34 | Full Results PDF |
Distance 10.49km | Moving Time ca. 44.48 |