This weekend was the Kandie Gang Edition of Orbit360’s Ride for a Reason. Initiated by Christine, there were three routes to choose from:
Initially, I was going to do the South Route but then changed my mind as a longish night ride was something I had never done before. I knew the route as I reconned it last Sunday with Stefan but darkness makes it an unknown…at least for me.
So, promptly at 22:00 on April Fool’s Day eighteen hardy adventurers set off from the Kandie Shop.
It was 0°C (32°F) but Hamburg has a way of making it feel a lot colder than it really is. Needless to say, I hadn’t worn my winter shoes or gloves…which would be my undoing.
I chose to abandon in Bad Oldesloe and took the 3:28am train back to Hamburg…

Waiting for the next train back to Hamburg.
Sunday was a different story…cool with a crisp Spring blue sky 🌞
After a few hours of sleep I was back on the saddle and back on the trail heading towards the hills of Harburg for the Southern 100km route.
Thank you Christine for initiating and planning 280km of Gucci Gravel. And thank you Stefan, Thorsten, Malte, Sebastian, for guiding us safely along the trail.
Here’s to my next #tankstellenromantik ⛽💕
Ride for a Reason
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